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"I want my partner to: - listen to me - understand - change-

stop shouting!-

just leave".

For adults experiencing difficulties in their relationship; whether you are a couple or an individual, married or in a partnership, separated, divorced or divorcing, straight or gay. Whatever your age, race or social background; Gina works with lots of problems such as affairs, communication issues, unsatisfying sex lives, getting used to step-families, balancing work and home, depression and money worries. There are many different reasons why people decide to make an appointment.


For mature couples facing a readjustment to their relationship in mid and later life can be quite difficult. Children may be flying the nest or you’re facing up to retirement. You may be suffering the physical and emotional aspects of the menopause or going through a mid-life crisis, or after putting so much effort into family and work life, you suddenly discover that the last time you had a conversation about yourselves was years ago For parents, adapting to life with a new baby or the demands of growing teenagers can put a strain on family relationships.



Counselling can help you to put things in perspective, learn how to deal with difficult situations; restore balance to family life and help you keep important time aside for you and your partner. For some, there is a loss of intimacy but the commitment to understand what has happened and why things have changed. For others, there may be the feeling that the relationship has broken down – there may be a painful struggle with separation or divorce that people want help with. Loss of sexual desire and other sexual problems also bring people through Gina's door.Ideally, you should go to counselling together: it's hard to build a team if only half the players are there. Often, if one person makes the decision to give counselling a try, the partner will decide to go too. If your partner doesn’t want to join you, there are lots of things counselling can help you sort out on your own. There may be changes you can make alone that will have a positive impact on your relationship. Some people also prefer to have counselling on their own at first to work out their feelings before seeing another counsellor together.




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