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ANGER management
Anger is a normal, healthy emotion it can be energising. However, anger can be damaging, outburst's of anger – especially when directed towards our close friends or loved ones.
Repeated angry outbursts can also have a devastating impact on our relationships, both professionally and personally, causing us even more misery and even putting us and those close to us in danger. But managing anger can be a problem for many people who find it difficult to keep their anger under control, as anger can feel justified.
Especially when life can be cruel or it seems unfair, suffering from extreme poverty, abuse, death of loved one, losing a child, being bullied, people being disrespectful, or being unfairly treated by others not paying attention or listening, or others not sticking to rules, so many reasons we can feel justified in our anger. We can compare our lives to others and assume their lives are better which can lead to feelings of resentment and bitterness. when our anger outbursts happen too often, or our anger is over the top for situation maybe you should seek help.
Some mental health disorders can cause rage, for example, suffering from depression, you can get irritable easily and have low tolerance for others. Bipolar Disorders can have deep roots in unconscious anger and resentment, Antisocial, borderline and Narcissistic personality disorders can hold hostility temper tantrums, rage and aggressive behaviours.
Our health can suffer, we can have health issues linked
to unresolved anger include high blood pressure, heart attack, depression, anxiety, colds, flu and problems with digestion. But anger doesn’t have to be a problem.

How can we better deal with anger disorders and many other anger-related mental disorders? First we must acknowledge that some anger is a valid, necessary, appropriate and unavoidable human emotion.
It is not a question of whether we experience anger as much as how we deal with it. While it is true that our habitually-held irrational or unrealistic beliefs and expectations about life can cause us to feel unnecessarily frustrated and angry at times.
You can learn to control your anger, and you have a responsibility to do so , anger can feel intimidating, to others there are many healthier ways to channel your anger and to take back control. The underlying anger must be consciously acknowledged, accepted, understood and its indestructibly dynamic energy redirected into some positive or creative activity.
If you want to explore and work on your anger, feel back in control, I am happy support you on your journey!
Give me a call or a text Gina Lee 07947300015 or email: ginaleetherapist@gmail.com